
欢迎! We offer a variety of on campus events in San Anselmo, as well as livestreamed on Zoom. 向下滚动以探索.


Join us in congratulating this year's Commencement Award recipients!

杰出校友牧师. Dr. 沙龙Stanley-Rea


牧师. Dr. 沙龙Stanley-Rea
M.Div. 1989

牧师. Dr. 沙龙Stanley-Rea is an ordained clergy in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), also with clergy standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada. She has over three decades of grassroots and national expertise in direct programmatic development, 难民组织领导, 政策和宣传, and community education in refugee resettlement and sponsorship, 移民权利与立法, 寻求庇护者政策, 以及无人陪伴儿童服务. 莎伦拥有圣·霍普金斯大学宗教与政治文学学士学位. 安德鲁斯长老学院, 他是旧金山神学院的神学硕士, 哥伦比亚神学院的事工博士. She also received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from the University of Lynchburg. 毕业后, Sharon spent more than 13 years in a 加州 community nicknamed after a refugee camp in Thailand. She founded and directed a multi-service refugee organization in Fresno, 加州, 国家领导的难民 & Immigration Ministries for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination, 现任华盛顿情报局局长, DC regional office for Church World Service global refugee and development organization. 牧师. Stanley-Rea is deeply committed to refugee resettlement as one of our nation’s most successful public/private and bipartisan partnerships in U.S. 历史. 她赢得了多项人权, 正义, 以及倡导奖, and has moderated numerous national and local press conferences, 守夜, and community actions related to refugee resettlement and the benefits immigrants offer to both local neighborhoods and to the character and strength of our nation.


迈克•威尔逊 is a Native American (Tohono O'odham) human rights activist. He was born in 1949 in the vill年龄 of Wac in the San Xavier District of the Tohono O'odham Nation. 迈克曾做过教师和长老会牧师. 他在美国服役22年.S. 陆军特种部队. From 1988 - 1989 he was a military advisor to the Army of El Salvador during that country's brutal civil war. 在此期间, 他目睹了军事独裁的恐怖, 极端贫困和战争的不公正. 违反他的地区(巴博基瓦里)议会的命令, from 2002 - 2014 Mike maintained many life-saving water stations on the O'odham reservation for undocumented migrants crossing tribal lands. He has participated in numerous documentary and feature films and panels about the border. 他拥有西班牙语学士学位, 辅修历史, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and did Graduate studies at 旧金山神学院. He is the co-author with José Antonio Lucero, PhD, of “What Side Are You On? A Tohono O’odhamLife across Borders“ to be released June 2024 by the University of North Carolina Press. Mike is currently in production as co-director with Victoria Westover of the documentary film “Whose Land? 《澳门威尼斯人官方网》将于2025年上映.




A conversation about queer medievalisms and the use of historical traditions in the ministry and witness of the 永久放纵修女会.


Julius Bailey Laurie Garrett-Cobbina 旧金山神学院 Lecture Black Church

这是一个免费的在线活动,欢迎所有人😊. 缩放链接在这里. 日历邀请.



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欢迎来到和平之道! 加入我们 for a very special evening of worship and music as we celebrate the Holiday season. The SFTS Seminary Singers and the Allen Temple Baptist Church Women's Choir will be performing their celestial sounds. 


活动是免费的,欢迎所有人参加. 在此下载传单.




旧金山神学院 Celebrates the Class of 2023!

Learn more >>




Wednesday, April 26 for “Wading in the Water: A Chaplain Support Group”

下午的活动提供联系, support and rest for Chaplains who have served during Covid-19. 与其他当地牧师聚会, 一对一的连接, Share experiences of serving during Covid-19 in a facilitated group, 在大自然中独处.



加入我们,聊聊加尔文, 宗教改革的特点和遗产, 而现代世界, 与教授. Ward Holder and other experts, on the occasion of the publication of Holder’s recent book, Calvin and the Christian Tradition: Scripture, Memory, and the Western Mind.

2023年3月3日,星期五,下午2:00 - 5:00



  • 护士长(街). 安塞尔姆学院),著有 Calvin and the Christian Tradition: Scripture, Memory, and the Western Mind (剑桥2022)和 Reinhold Niebuhr in Theory and Practice: Christian Realism and American Politics in the Twenty-First Century (列克星敦2019)
  • 芭芭拉·皮特金(斯坦福大学),《 Calvin, the Bible, and 历史: Exegesis and Historical Reflection in the Era of Reform (2020年牛津)
  • Christopher Ocker (旧金山神学院, 威尼斯人平台), author of 混合改革 (剑桥2022)
  • Ethan Shagan(加州大学伯克利分校),《 现代信仰的诞生 普林斯顿大学(2018)
  • Kirsi Stjerna (Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary/研究生神学联合会), editor of 近代早期欧洲的女性改革家 (《堡垒2022》),著有 路德宗神学:信仰语法 (T&克拉克2020)



教训 & CAROLS 2022网页头.jpg

欢迎光明! 加入我们 for a very special evening of worship and music as we celebrate the Holiday season. The SFTS Seminary Singers and the UR School of Music Chorale Ensemble will be performing their celestial sounds. 欢迎所有人.


活动是免费的, 但如果你愿意支持我们的社区项目, we would greatly appreciate an offering to the  SFTS Shaw Chaplaincy Institute at this link:  雷德兰兹.edu/supportsfts.


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旧金山神学院, San Anselmo  |  12:00pm - 3:30pm

神学是怎么说具体化的? 肉体对神学有什么看法? Wendy Farley writes, it’s time to pay attention to what excluded bodies have to say to theology. Jon Berquist说, the way we understand bodies runs parallel to the way we understand society and God, 在古代也是如此, in the many competing views of bodies and embodiment present in the Hebrew Bible. 

加入我们 非正式的午餐, a panel discussion with Farley and Berquist and the faculty of 旧金山神学院, 以及“化身灵性实验室”,” in which participants will together reimagine how theology can be embodied in liturgy, 实践, 以及社会公正. We will conclude with an Embodiment of Prayer led by Marcia McFee.


事件细节上面写着H. Eugene Farlough 加州 Chair in African-American Christianity, 10月18日, 2022年,朱利叶斯·贝利在户外微笑的照片旁边

“A Faith That Will Not Shrink”:  Learning From The Yellow Fever Epidemic and the A.M.E. 教堂,1793 - 1878

朱利叶斯·贝利作为H. Eugene Farlough 加州 Chair in African-American Christianity.
